Thunder Bay free tax clinic hours and location
Tips from your Thunder Bay free tax clinic
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Thunder Bay free tax clinic hours and location
Tips from your Thunder Bay free tax clinic
Avoid Identity Theft
Do Not:
1. Carry your SIN # printout/card with you, memorize it, and keep it in a safe/secure place.
2. Carry any document with SIN # on it (eg Tax-slips, Tuition fee certificates) nor email/ save them on computer HDD/SSD. Save them on usb/pen drive instead.
3. Drop-off any SIN # bearing document at ANY place. (including tax-preparation place/s)
4. Only print SIN/DOB-bearing documents on a printer/device that does NOT have a memory chip.
5. Use on-line tax preparation software, use only ones that can be downloaded or those that are on a CD/DVD.
Choose your Tax Preparer carefully! Always review your return, agree with the content before filing, and follow up to make sure you receive your Notice of Assessment since it contains important financial and personal information that belongs to you. If you have authorized a tax-preparer/family member/friend/spouse to represent you, revoke the authorization if it is no longer needed. Also, revoke such authorizations if you decide to change your tax preparer! This can be achieved by phoning Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or making a change via your online account as soon as possible!
Non-face-book link:
Facebook link: (Only accessible if you are logged-in, and have liked and followed the page).